Adding Phone Numbers to Trifecta Teams

Adding Phone Numbers to Trifecta Teams

If your trying to assign a phone number to your user, but you get an error, then click on 'Yes' to go create a block of virtual phone numbers.


What is the Phone Number section?:

The Phone Number section is used to keep track of your Operator Connect, Calling Plan, and Direct Routing phone numbers.

Operator Connect - These numbers are imported from Office365 when you login. These only appear because you have already purchased them from your Operator Connect phone carrier. More details what operator connect is here. If you need more, then please reach out to your partner or Operator Connect partner.

Calling Plans - These numbers are imported from Office365 when you login. These only appear because you have already purchased them from Microsoft. More details what calling plans are here. If you need more, then please contact your IT administrator to purchase these through the Teams admin portal. In future releases, we will provide this functionality within Trifecta Teams.

Direct Routing - These are the phone numbers that you already own. When you have your phone system connected to Microsoft, then you can dial out from your actual phone system phone lines via the Teams client. More details what direct routing is here.

Since you are already logged in, let's go to the  Phone Numbers section to see what numbers we own and add our phone system numbers.

Imported Phone Numbers

You can see here that we currently have two Calling Plans phone numbers, and they each have different purposes.

You will have to already know your number blocks or check your phone system to identify which number blocks your company owns.

Capability: Phone System - This can only be used for the IVR and Queues (+14255551212)
Capability: Conference - This can only be used for conference bridges. (+16165551212)
Capability: User - These numbers can only be assigned to users.
Capability: All - These numbers can be assigned anywhere. (Only Direct Routing numbers have this capability)

Adding Phone Numbers

In our example we have the number block 6165551200 with a 200 numbers total.

  1. Gather your phone number ranges from your IT or your existing phone system.
  2. We have 200 numbers, so we enter 200 into the range area.
  3. Our number block is from Grand Rapids, Michigan, so we will put that as our Location/Note.
  4. Now we click 'Add Number' to save our changes.

Now when we go to configure our user, we will see a list of our available numbers.

View Numbers In Use

Clicking 'Identify Used Numbers' if you want to see if your users already are programmed with any of these numbers. The system will automatically remove any used numbers. You do not need to sync for this functionality. The Phone Number Mapping area is used to see all used numbers in one location.

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