Trifecta Teams Inbound Caller Name Overwrride API

How does the Inbound Caller Name Override API work

How does it work?

The Trifecta Teams Caller Name Override API allows you to use do a dip into our services in real time and retrieve the caller name you have on your company contacts.

Is there security?

Yes, you must pass multiple security measures to be able to retrieve this information.

What service does it work for?

Any provider or equipment that supports a REST API can request this information and modify your caller's name in transit to arriving to you.

What makes this service special?

•    Identify inbound callers by your preferred name, so your employees can provide a personalized answer
•    The name presented is decided by your companies Global Address Book
•    You no longer need to have company contacts in your Microsoft Teams contact folder for each employee
•    Works with any service which supports REST API pulls

Who is this service for?

Anyone really. Being able to see who is calling by name is very beneficial. It's especially useful for enterprises or call centres who receive many calls a day.

How is this different to Trifecta Teams Branded Graphic & Text Display?

Trifecta Teams Branded Graphic & Text Display (TT BGTD) only works in the United States currently. TT BGTD also is for branding calls to mobile networks. Our Caller Name Override is only limited to the service or provider being able to do very basic REST API pulls. An example of a piece of software that does this already would be your web browser.

Contact us if your interested in a demo, or are looking for more information.

Inbound Caller Name
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